September 20, 2024


New Delhi. Couple living in Los Angeles got lottery when they were cleaning the basement of their house. In the basement, he found a treasure chest full of old coins from the 20th century. The total number of these coins made of hard copper is one million. Their total cost is said to be $10,000. However, now the biggest problem in front of this couple is that the coins are so old and in large numbers that no bank is ready to exchange them.

During a conversation with Ketla, a media institute in Los Angeles, John Reyes told that my wife and I were cleaning the house before getting the repairs done. During this time we found coins worth about one million dollars from my father-in-law’s old house. These coins were found in old boxes and bank bags. These bags of coins were kept in a small place in the corner inside the basement.

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Father had hidden coins in the basement
John Reyes’s wife says that her father is a German immigrant. Once upon a time he used to live in this house. We were planning to repair and rebuild this house. The biggest problem before us is that no bank is ready to accept these coins. A bank told us that they do not have enough space to store these coins safely.

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In the initial news of the US Mint, it was told that the coins were made of pure copper. Later it was told that these are coins coated with zinc metal on steel because when these coins were made in 1943, copper metal was being used during World War-2. After 1982, coins were primarily made from zinc metal.

Family looking for online buyer
John Reyes is now looking for online buyers for these coins. The price of these ancient coins worth 10 thousand dollars has been set by this family two and a half times more i.e. 25 thousand dollars. They believe that someone will definitely show interest in buying these coins. According to Inside’s report, if this family gets a price of 25 thousand dollars in lieu of these coins, then it will be the biggest bid of ancient coins in America till now. Till now the biggest bid for ancient coins has gone up to 20 thousand dollars.

Tags: The Angels, US News


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