September 20, 2024


Washington. US President Joe Biden believes that India plays an important role in every aspect of global politics and there can be no better partner than this. This statement by a senior official of the Biden administration gives an opportunity to know the reasons behind the administration inviting Prime Minister Narendra Modi on an official visit. Prime Minister Modi is going to America on a state visit at the invitation of US President Biden and his wife and First Lady Jill Biden.

He will be on a visit to America from 21 to 24 June. President Biden and his wife will host a dinner on June 22 in honor of Modi. PM Modi (72), who has visited America more than half a dozen times since becoming the Prime Minister in 2014, has now been invited for the first time on an official state visit. This honor is given only to America’s close friendly countries.

A senior Biden administration official told ‘PTI-Bhasha’ on Monday, ‘The President believes that its relations with India are much more advanced than America’s bilateral relations with any country in the world. I also think he fully understands that when we look at the 21st century and if you want to partner in these challenging times, there is no better partner than India…’

Modi is the third Indian Prime Minister who has been invited by the US on a state visit. Apart from this, Modi is the third foreign leader who has been invited by President Biden and this clearly shows the importance given by Biden to Indo-US relations and friendship with Modi. The official said on the condition of anonymity that there was a lot of discussion within the administration before taking the decision to invite Prime Minister Modi on the official visit.

The senior official said, ‘You can imagine that there are a lot of criteria for this decision. It is a very tough competition, I think the reality is that India plays an important role in every aspect of global politics. He said, “I also think it is fair to say that the President knows PM Modi better because of having worked closely during many meetings in the Quad and at global fora.” India, America, Japan and Australia are included in the Quad (quadrilateral security dialogue group). It was formed in 2017 to stop China’s aggressive behavior in the Indo-Pacific region.

Prime Minister Modi will be visiting America from 21 to 24 June at the invitation of US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden. During this, he will also address the joint session of the Congress, which is being considered as a big occasion. Prime Minister Modi had earlier addressed the US lawmakers in 2016. PM Modi’s visit is taking place before the G-20 summit to be hosted by India in September. He has visited the US more than half a dozen times for bilateral and multilateral meetings after becoming the Prime Minister in 2014 and has held meetings with all the three US Presidents Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden during his time.

But now for the first time he has been invited for an official state visit and this honor is given only to America’s closest friendly countries. PM Modi had earlier gone to Washington in September 2021. He went to Biden’s invitation for a bilateral meeting. He then made a direct appearance for the first time at the Quad summit hosted by Biden.

Tags: Joe Biden, Narendra modi, United States, White house


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