September 20, 2024


The police-administration tries to prevent cases of theft, but it is very difficult to control it. Thieves often commit theft in secluded places and escape after stealing goods from their victims. But have you ever heard that while stealing, the thief falls in love at first sight and he gives his heart to his own victim (Robber falls in love with victim)! Something similar happened recently in America with a thief, who came to rob a woman, but gave her his heart.

According to the report of the Daily Star News website, a shocking incident happened on May 8 in Indianapolis, USA. A woman named Amber Beraun lives here. One day Amber returned home late from her work. At the same time, she was checking the necessary papers or letters in the mail box outside the house, when a gun-wielding thief came there and started demanding money from the woman.

robber falls in love with victim 1

The thief messaged the woman saying that she likes him and he wants her to go on a date with him. (Photo: Facebook/Fazi news and updates)

thief came to rob
Amber had up to $ 100 at that time, which she gave to the thief out of fear. After taking the money, the thief did not run away immediately, but showed the gun and asked Amber to open Facebook on the phone. When Amber did this, the thief asked her to send him a friend request on Facebook. The name of that thief is Damien Boyce. Amber felt that when she added him on Facebook, he would leave her and leave. Same thing happened, Damian left from there, but on Facebook he started sending messages to Amber.

thief fell in love
In a message, he told that he has fallen in love with Amber, she finds him very beautiful. He said that she is not the kind of girl to be robbed, so he will return her money. Amber is happy to hear that the thief has had a change of heart. But in the very next message, he spoke his mind and told her that he is not a bad man, and he wants Amber to go out on a date with him. Amber was surprised to hear this. She told the man that she has a partner, she cannot do this. Amber is very scared of this whole incident, she is feeling unsafe to get out of her own house. The thief has been arrested, a charge has already been leveled against him.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, Trending news, Weird news


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