September 20, 2024


Washington. Is America preparing to attack China soon? This question is arising from a major defense authorization bill presented in the US Parliament. In fact, in this bill, the Pentagon has been asked to study the option of naval blockade of China. Under this, America wants to find out how this blockade can be done if needed and by doing so what and how much difference it will make by stopping the supply of oil to China.

According to the Washington Post report, this bill introduced in the US Parliament has asked Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to submit a report within six months on whether the US military will conduct one or more naval tests on fossil fuel shipments going to China during the war. How to impose blockade.

According to the report, this bill is a clear indication that in the opinion of the law makers, the risk of military confrontation with China is increasing. It also signals that many in Congress believe the Pentagon should be doing more to prepare for conflict.

Tension between China and America regarding Taiwan
In fact, the tension between America and China regarding Taiwan has been going on for the last several months. Top military officials have warned Congress in recent statements that President Xi Jinping has ordered the Chinese military to prepare for an attempt to occupy Taiwan within 4 years.

Meanwhile, news has also come that the Biden administration is planning to evacuate American citizens living in Taiwan soon in case of any emergency. According to a report published last week in a news website called ‘The Messenger’, the US has been working on the plan for this evacuation program for the last 6 months, which has gained momentum during the last 2 months.

Many experts are seeing this preparation of America by linking it with China’s recent aggressive stand regarding Taiwan. However, according to the report, US officials termed it as just a routine operation.

Tags: China news, Joe Biden


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