September 20, 2024


Washington: Once upon a time, for more than a century, conflicts between countries, all kinds of diplomacy and alliances continued for oil. Powerful countries wanted to capture oil to become more powerful. But by the beginning of the 21st century, the edge of the oil began to thin and a small piece of silicon took its place. Which today is the center of an industry worth about $ 500 billion and will probably double by 2030. This is Chip’s market. Now one more thing has been included in this AI chip. On which two powerful economies of the world want to keep their possession. The special thing is that the country which will have control over the supply chain of this chip will be on top in the race to become a superpower. And in this competition, the tension between the two countries China and America is now taking a vocal form.

Companies embroiled in a war between two countries
Under this, now America is considering implementing new rules on the export of Artificial Intelligence i.e. AI Chip to China. According to a report, the shares of major chip manufacturing companies like Nvidia declined by 2 percent and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) by 1.5 percent.

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It has been told in the report that the Finance Department will ban the shipment of chips manufactured by other companies, including Nvidia, to Chinese customers from July. Nvidia, Micron, and AMD are the chip makers that are embroiled in the ongoing tension between China and the US. In September, Nvidia said that US authorities had asked the company to stop exporting two top computing chips to China for work related to artificial intelligence.

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first license then chip export
Later, Nvidia will introduce the new modern chip A800 to comply with the rules related to export control. The company had also modified the H100 earlier this year to comply with the norms. But now reports suggest that the new restrictions being considered will ban the sale of A800 chips without a special US license.

Tags: China, United States (US), United States of America


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