September 20, 2024


New Delhi. During the recently concluded state visit of PM Narendra Modi to America, big deals were signed between the two countries in the defense sector. India’s security is going to be very strong in the coming times after this deal. In such a situation, it is bound to make the neighboring country Pakistan feel chilly. If reports are to be believed, Pakistan has approached the US and lodged an objection to big defense deals with India. Pakistan’s tone is less of conversation and more of threatening America. The neighboring country believes that such a big deal poses a threat to the security of Pakistan, which is not good for the region.

According to the report of Pakistan’s Express Tribune newspaper, the government of Pakistan has contacted America through diplomatic channel. In the style of complaining against India to the Joe Biden administration, it was said that a defense deal has been done with India, ignoring the concerns of Pakistan. Strategic stability and traditional balance in South-Asia has been weakened by giving military-military hardware to India.

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Pakistan’s jackal flared up in response
Spewing venom against India, the Government of Pakistan told America that India would be elated after getting high-tech and high-end military weapons. After which he will endanger the national security interests of Pakistan. It was said that if any agreement of India with America will affect the interests of Pakistan, then they will surely retaliate on it.

India will get these advanced weapons
On the US tour, Indian PM Narendra Modi has made a deal to buy Predator drones with advanced technology. In addition, America will provide the latest technology jet engines for India’s indigenous light fighter aircraft. America is not only providing weapons to India but is also ready to give that technology under the agreement, due to which India will be able to make these weapons on its own in the coming years.

Dependence on Russia will be less
Pakistan was also mentioned during the joint statement between India and America. In this, Pakistan was asked to close the terrorist bases operating in its country, on which Pakistan also expressed its objection. Earlier India used to buy 65 percent of its weapons from Russia. After the Indo-US deal, now the dependence on Russia has been reduced to 45 percent. Dependence on America has increased by 10 percent.

Tags: Joe Biden, Pakistan news, Pm narendra modi, PM Narendra Modi News


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