September 20, 2024


The UN chief expressed deep concern that people in Haiti continue to live in extremely vulnerable conditions, especially for women and girls, at the hands of brutal and violent armed groups.

He said the capital has been cordoned off, vital roads have been blocked and water, food and health care services have been cut off.

“I condemn in the strongest terms the widespread sexual violence being used by armed gangs as a weapon of intimidation.”

Secretary-General Guterres urged the international community to keep the victims and civilians in Haiti at the center of its priorities.

deployment of international forces

A permanent and representative political solution to Haiti will be impossible in the absence of an improvement in the security situation, the top UN official said on Saturday.

“Every day counts, if we do not act now, the instability and violence will have a long-lasting impact on future generations of Haitians.”

In view of this, he has appealed to all partner organizations to increase support for the National Police, which can be given in the form of funding, training and equipment.

However, he cautioned that only such help would not restore the monarchy in the country.

The UN chief urged the Security Council to immediately deploy a dynamic, international force in support of Haiti’s national police to strengthen its fight against armed groups.

crisis resolution efforts

The UN chief visited Haiti’s capital on Saturday, where he met with Prime Minister Ariel Henri, members of the High Transitional Council, civil society and political parties.

In his talks with all parties, he underlined the importance of coming together politically to end the crisis.

The Secretary-General stressed that conditions have to be created for the restoration of democratic institutions, for which all parties will have to rise above their personal interests and make certain concessions to each other for the sake of a shared vision.

Secretary-General Guterres welcomed the recent negotiations between Haiti’s factions, which are attempting to form a government of national unity.

He said that an end to insecurity and permanent political solutions can be achieved only through an inclusive national dialogue.

According to the head of the UN Office in Haiti (BIRTH) and the entire UN system will continue to support efforts in this direction.

In protest against gang violence in Haiti, ordinary people are protesting.

© UNICEF/Roger LeMoyne and U.S. CDC

‘Issue of moral justice’

The UN chief met local men and women in Port-au-Prince. He said that he feels the desperation of the people who have been suffering from a series of crises for a long time.

One in two people in Haiti live in extreme poverty, suffering from hunger and without regular access to drinking water.

The Secretary-General said that an appeal of $720 million has been made for a plan to provide humanitarian aid to more than three million people in a country grappling with huge crises, but only 23 percent of the funds have been managed so far.

He said that coming forward in support of the general public of Haiti is an issue of solidarity and moral justice for the international community.

Secretary-General Guterres cautioned that it is only through inclusive and sustainable development that this long history of crises can be broken, humanitarian and security challenges can be overcome and it will be possible to build a stable constitutional and political environment.

According to the UN chief, no solution can be found without the people of Haiti, but taking into account the current challenges in the country, the full support of the international community is needed.


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