September 20, 2024


As the age of a person increases, the desire to look younger (How to look younger) also starts awakening in him. If you ask any old man, he will definitely express his desire that he wants to look young. The common man has the only way to look young is to dye his hair, exercise and live a healthy life, but a millionaire person of America is living a life one step ahead of them, due to which he is living his real age. get young).

Bryan Johnson reverse aging 2

The man is following an intense fitness routine of 2 years which he has named Project Blueprint. This is a kind of experiment program. (Photo: Twitter/@bryan_johnson)

45-year-old Brian Johnson is a millionaire entrepreneur (Millionaire trying to reverse aging) who is becoming famous all over the world these days because of one of his hobbies. According to the report of the Daily Star News website, Brian wants to reduce his age and wants to get a body like an 18-year-old youth. If seen, this is going against the principles of nature because human age cannot be reduced, it only increases, but Brian is engaged in doing so on the basis of money.

Bryan Johnson reverse aging

Brian spends Rs 16 crore annually on this program. (Photo: Twitter/@bryan_johnson)

This millionaire wants to be young
Brian, a resident of Utah (Utah, USA), is following an intense fitness routine of 2 years, which he has named Project Blueprint. This is a kind of experiment program under which they eat very special things, supplements, etc., apart from this they exercise and undergo many types of tests. He is doing all this to overcome the age. A few days ago, he transfused the blood plasma of his 17-year-old son to make him look young. Brian claims that his heart is like that of a 37-year-old man, while his lungs are like those of an 18-year-old. This has happened because of his special lifestyle, for which he is spending Rs 16 crore every year. Recently, he told a big secret related to his lifestyle.

eat breakfast eat dinner
He shared information about his meal time and what he eats. You will be surprised to know that Brian eats dinner only in the morning. He said in a tweet that he has his dinner at 11 in the morning. His morning starts at 5 am and he eats only from 5 am to 11 am. After getting up at 5 in the morning, he consumes two dozen supplements like lycopene, metformin, turmeric, zinc, lithium etc. After this, he eats a smoothie made from ingredients like collagen, spermidine and creatine. Brian is completely vegan, because of this his food includes vegetarian hard and soft food. He eats only 1977 calories per day. His routine includes three high-intensity workouts a week and several blood tests, MRIs and colonoscopies a month.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, Trending news, Weird news


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