September 20, 2024



America sees China as a capable threat to itself.
In the future, China’s supremacy in the field of space will be the most dangerous for America.
The development of the capability of Chinese military presence in space is being considered as the biggest concern.

The rivalry between China and America is not hidden from anyone. For some time, America’s view of China as a threat has increased. American experts are also considering the seriousness of China’s efforts to overtake America as a matter of concern. Recently, the rapid efforts made by China in the field of space, the concern of American experts is far beyond that. Americans are seeing China’s progress in the field of space linked to China’s military expansionism and they also have many such signs which indicate that America needs to be alert in this direction.

China’s intentions
There is no doubt that space is full of innumerable such mysteries which we humans have to investigate. In a recent article published in the Washington Post, David Ignatius in his article has underlined these concerns arising due to the growing activities of China. In 2007, China tested the first antisatellite weapon. Since then it has tested satellites that can be pulled out of orbit by pulling other satellites.

China wants to control space
Not only this, China has also made such spaceplanes that can capture objects in orbit. China’s spy balloons have also started flying in the air at the lower level of space. Overall, China wants to exploit the capabilities of space and wants to control it. At the same time, America remained slow in recognizing China’s ambitions. After the end of the Apollo campaign and then the retirement of the Space Shuttle, America’s interest seemed to end. But America gave a late response to China’s efforts.

formation of space force
In the previous government in America, Donald Trump opened a military branch named Space Force keeping in mind the military aspect of space. Ignatius spoke to four experts on the Espion Security Forum, the head of the US Space Command, Jn. James Etch Dickinson, Assistant Secretary of Defense F. Plumb for Space Policy, Ezin Uzo Okoro, Assistant Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Salvatore Tory Bruno, chief executive of rocket maker United Launch Alliance, rightly agree that China is a growing threat.

Space, Science, China, USA, Moon, Research, India, Chandrayaan 3, Artemis Mission, Space Race, Space Technology, Man on Moon, Arms Race,

Many American experts believe that China is also developing military capabilities in the field of space. (Representational photo: Wikimedia Commons)

In some cases it is difficult to match America
The answer to China’s hegemonic efforts will be an ever-growing array of government and private commercial satellites that are developing low Earth orbit surveillance networks. Plumb points out that the US Department of Defense Pentagon is partnering with more than 130 companies active in the space sector. China cannot match it. But not much information is available on this subject because according to the government there is classified level information.

Read also: China will send humans to the moon through a two-rocket campaign

US government must be doing something
Ignatius writes that he hopes officials remember the advice of then-Joint Chiefs of Staff Vice Chairman John Heaton in 2021 that “deterence does not exist in a classified world.” Nevertheless, it is being known from some inside sources that America is not sitting idly by in this matter.

Space, Science, China, USA, Moon, Research, India, Chandrayaan 3, Artemis Mission, Space Race, Space Technology, Man on Moon, Arms Race,

China is believed to have the technology to destroy or render useless the Starlink satellite group. (Representational photo: Wikimedia Commons)

China can harm in many ways
Leaked documents from the Pentagon reveal that China is preparing a kind of cyber war in space so that it can jam and disable satellites in space. According to a document, China can control the satellite using cyber attack, so that they can neutralize communication, weapons, intelligence, surveillance systems. A researcher in China has suggested in a published study that China should destroy the group’s operating system by shutting down some Starlink satellites.

Read also: One carelessness in war will destroy all satellites in just 40 years

Not only this, China can also destroy groups of Starlink satellites using high-powered microwave weapons. Systems of thousands of satellites are flourishing, so it is very important to establish new rules and standards for their operation. But in this matter at least no talks are taking place with China at any level. But it will not work like this. This situation has to be changed. Otherwise, America may soon be seen to suffer a huge loss.

Tags: Chandrayaan-3, China, India, Moon, Research, Science, Space, USA


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