September 20, 2024



Twitter accounts of several journalists have been restored.
These accounts were suspended after he was accused of putting his family in danger.
Musk did a Twitter poll. In which it was asked whether the suspended account should be restored now or not.

Washington. After hearing rebuke from people and big organizations around the world, Elon Musk, the owner of the social media platform Twitter, said late on Friday night that he would restore the Twitter accounts of several journalists. Who was suspended after accusing him of putting his family in danger. The owner of Twitter tweeted that ‘people have spoken. Accounts that have disclosed my location will now be unsuspended. Earlier, Musk did a Twitter poll. In which it was asked whether he should restore the suspended account now or in a week. Nearly 59 percent of the 3.69 million respondents said they should restore the accounts now.

Elon Musk suspended the Twitter accounts of more than half a dozen prominent journalists from the New York Times, CNN and the Washington Post. After this, the European Union and the United Nations had warned Musk expressing anger against this move. The European Union said that the news about the arbitrary suspension of accounts of journalists on Twitter is worrying. The influential platform may face heavy fines through European laws. Elon Musk should know about this. While a spokesman for UN chief Antonio Guterres called it a dangerous precedent at a time when journalists around the world are facing censorship, physical threats and worse.

Elon Musk’s arbitrariness in Twitter! Freedom of speech taken away from opposing journalists, accounts suspended without informing

This whole controversy is related to the suspension of the account @ElonJet tracking Elon Musk’s private jet. Musk said that a car carrying one of his children was followed in Los Angeles. This step was necessary to hold the tracking of his jet accountable after the incident. Musk had also warned of suing the person who runs this account. In a live chat on Twitter, Elon Musk did not provide any evidence for his claim. But some suspended journalists told that everyone is being treated equally on Twitter. You are not special because you are a journalist.

Tags: America, Elon Musk, Twitter, Twitter Account


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