September 20, 2024


Carlos Ruiz Macieu, Special Representative and Head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia, briefed the Member States on political developments in recent days.

These include, last month, the election victories of President Gustavo Petro and Vice President Francia Marquez. This is the first time that a woman of Afro-Colombian origin will hold the post of Vice-President.

The Special Representative of the UN has met both the leaders, who will take oath on 7 August.

reason to be hopeful

He said that the newly elected President has assured to make special efforts for peace during the tenure of his government.

According to the Special Representative, the incoming government has an unprecedented opportunity and responsibility to accelerate the implementation of the peace accord.

“We have good, very good reasons to be hopeful, and I think the United Nations and the international community should do everything they can to offer their support.”

The Special Representative pointed out that the election results reflected the diversity embedded in Colombian society.

The new Congress comprises an unprecedented 30% women, and has 16 representatives from areas affected by violent conflict.

The UN mission chief expressed hope that the new Congress will make concrete progress in passing more than 30 peace-related laws – including those that guarantee widespread rural reform and political participation.

obstacle in the way of peace

The Special Envoy has described the current progress as encouraging, but has also drawn attention to the difficulties being faced on the path of peace. There are also cases of continuing violence against communities, leaders and ex-combatants.

The UN mission has collected information on the deaths of 331 ex-combatants since the signing of the peace deal. Four of these have died in the last two weeks only.

“Their security has to be guaranteed. A priority in any peace agreement is to protect the lives of those who have laid down their arms in good faith after being assured of their safety.”

In addition, illegal armed elements are also targeting local leaders in conflict-affected areas. These areas suffer from poverty, illegal economies and have limited government presence.

Father Francisco José de Roux Rengifo, President of the Truth Commission.

Father Francisco José de Roux Rengifo, President of the Truth Commission.

Truth Commission Report

Giving information on the activities of the Truth Commission in Colombia, the Special Envoy said that after three years of work, the Commission has submitted its final report.

In the recommendations of the report, government institutions have been urged to guarantee the full implementation of the peace agreement.

Commission President Father Francisco Jose de Roux Rengifo also addressed the Security Council and told that four and a half million people died and one crore were affected in this war.

In its investigation, the Commission heard testimony from 30,000 individuals and organizations across the country and in the 24 countries where Colombian citizens live in exile.

hope for the future

The president of the commission appeared optimistic about the future of Colombia, one of the reasons for which is the participation of many citizens in the efforts for peace and survival.

Among them are youth, women, indigenous, Afro-Colombian, religious leaders and members of the LGBTI+ community.

He believes that Colombia still has a long way to go, but it has only just begun its journey.

Earlier, Father de Roux and the commission team met UN chief Antonio Guterres on Wednesday, and handed him a copy of their report.

He has termed this report as an important milestone in the peace process and a major achievement.

Secretary-General Guterres has assured his full support for activities to increase awareness of the Commission’s report and to implement the recommendations presented in it.


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