September 20, 2024


New York: Thursday after two years in office UN Security Council India’s chairmanship came to an end. On this occasion, India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ruchira Kamboj said, ‘We did not hesitate to raise our voice against the common enemy of humanity, terrorism, during our tenure in the UNSC. We spoke in support of peace, security and prosperity. We were conscious that when we spoke in the Security Council, we were speaking on behalf of 1.4 billion Indians or 1/6 of humanity. Maritime security was the best example, where until recently the Security Council was only focused on the issue of piracy. While maritime security includes larger issues as well as a larger troop-contributing country.

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Speaking on the need for reforms in the UNSC, Ruchira Kamboj said, ‘We were fully cognizant of the fact that reforms in the Security Council are the need of the hour. This conviction has only strengthened after our tenure. As we exit the Security Council at the end of our presidency for this term, we are convinced that the greater the resistance to change, the greater the risk of losing the relevance and credibility of this body’s decisions.’ India’s non-permanent membership of the UNSC expires on 31 December. United Nations Diplomats from Ireland, Kenya, Mexico and Norway also addressed the concluding session, as these countries will also be pulling out of the UNSC after a two-year term.

India’s Permanent Representative to the UN Kamboj said, ‘On behalf of the Security Council, I would like to sincerely appreciate the five outgoing members India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico and Norway. I appreciate his hard work and contribution during his tenure in the Security Council. On India’s objective in the UNSC, he said that when New Delhi entered the council 2 years ago, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said in September 2020 that India would use its reputation and experience of being the world’s largest democracy to help the whole world. Will do for the benefit of. Accordingly, during the last two years, we spoke in favor of peace, security and prosperity. We did not hesitate to raise our voice against common enemies of humanity like terrorism.

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Highlighting issues of particular importance to the developing world, Ruchira Kamboj said that India reiterated and strengthened its commitment to the basic principles of multilateralism, rule of law and a fair and equitable international system. The Indian envoy said, ‘There were instances when we had to stand alone, but the alternative in those instances was to give up principles that we truly believe in, where we had genuine differences, including our partners. who are present on the stage with me today. Our opposition to the role of the Security Council in combating climate change was based on principles. We also tried to focus on those issues which we consider very important, but on which the Security Council paid enough attention, we remained together.

Tags: United nations, UNSC, UNSC Indian Presidency


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