September 20, 2024


London. Elon Musk, the world’s richest man and owner of SpaceX, is always in the headlines. His company is known for launching SpaceX Advanced Rocket and Spacecraft. But now experts have warned that due to more satellite launches, airplanes can become victims of accidents. Please tell that Musk’s company is about to launch 40 thousand satellites for the use of the Internet. He has an internet company by the name of Starlink.

British newspaper the sun According to Musk’s company SpaceX, so far, 3,000 satellites have been launched for Internet service. Whereas in the year 2019, he has submitted documents to send 30 thousand more satellites. All these satellites are sent to Earth’s low orbit. Astronomers say that the low orbit satellite can increase the congestion in space. In such a situation, there is a danger of satellite colliding with each other.

plane will be the victim of the accident
According to Andy Lawrence, Regius Professor of Astronomy at the University of Edinburgh, it should burn up as it passes through the atmosphere, but even the smallest part can bring down an aircraft. He said, ‘There are many pieces of satellite debris. Most of them get burnt. But even a small piece can be extremely dangerous. The plane catches fire and hundreds of people can die. Actually we have to be careful.

What is the solution?
Lawrence added, “They say they have AI algorithms for collision avoidance and they make sure old satellites burn up, so we have to trust them to keep working.” And this too will happen. Professor Lawrence – who published a book about the issue last year called Losing the Sky – said he and others are not doing things like Musk to stop satellite launches altogether.

Tags: Elon Musk, Flight, OMG News, Satellite, Space


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