September 20, 2024



Dell is America’s largest tech company
Dell wants to reduce the use of China made chips
Tension is going on between China and America

new Delhi. Dell Technologies Inc plans to stop using Chinese-made chips by 2024 and has asked suppliers to reduce the amount of other made-in-China components in its products amid US-Beijing tensions. This information has been received from Nikkei.

The company told suppliers late last year that it aimed to significantly reduce the amount of Chinese-made chips, including those produced in facilities owned by non-Chinese chip makers. This information has been given by quoting three people related to the case.

Biden administration had taken the decision
Last October, the Biden administration published new rules for export control. In this, measures were given to separate China from some semiconductor chips made anywhere in the world with American equipment. This is being done in an attempt to slow down Beijing’s technological and military progress.

read this also: Biden caught China’s weak vein, preparing to strangle Dragon Army by stopping chip exports!

With this new rule, top toolmakers have to stop the shipment of their equipment to factories completely owned by China. Who make advanced logic chips. Senior government officials said many of the new rules were aimed at preventing foreign firms from selling advanced chips to China or supplying Chinese companies with equipment to make their own advanced chips.

The decision of the Biden administration may slow down China’s program of development of state-of-the-art weapons and missiles. Along with this, there may be a problem on his research being done for space. This decision of the Biden administration is believed to be the beginning of an undeclared war between the US and China in the technology sector.

Let us tell you that China is busy promoting the semiconductor industry. China can also announce a big package to increase its dominance in the world including the country. However, other countries are understanding this policy of China very well. This is the reason that last year US President Joe Biden signed a US $ 52.7 billion law to support US semiconductor producers and strengthen their position in competition with China. Under this, the semiconductor industry will get a subsidy of about $ 52 billion, but this subsidy will be given only to those companies, which will not do any business with China in the field of chips for ten years. After the bill was passed, China’s Foreign Ministry had raised strong objections to it.

In a way where Dell has planned to discontinue the use of Made-in-China chips by 2024. So at the same time, many companies are now shutting down their production in China. These include the names of big companies like Apple and Google.

Tags: America, China, Tech news, Tech News in hindi


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