September 20, 2024



Wife filed divorce case then husband shot whole family
Along with mother, child and his wife, he also pointed a gun at himself.
8 people including man died, this is a shocking case of America

Washington. In America’s Enoch city, a man shot dead his entire family and then shot himself as well. US authorities said on Thursday that a man had shot and killed seven members of his family, including five children, including his wife, her mother and the couple’s three girls, aged between four and 17, after his wife sought a divorce. Two boys have also been found dead.

According to AFP, the incident took place in the Utah area of ​​Enoch City. Eight bodies were found by the police in the area, one of them was the body of a four-year-old girl. Officials say that there are bullet marks on everyone’s body. Evidence suggests that the suspect killed himself after killing the people in the house.

Enoch Mayor Geoffrey Chesnutt said, “This shooting incident apparently occurred after a marital breakdown. He said, “As per the court documents it appears (divorce petition) was filed on December 21 and it was filed by the wife.” Chief Jackson Ames said he was familiar with the family when they helped with an investigation a few years ago.

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Enoch is a rural town of about 7,500 people in southwest Utah. It is about three and a half hour drive from Salt Lake City. The state is known as the headquarters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, whose members are popularly known as Mormons. Here is a conservative Christian group, which historically encourages polygamy.

Tags: America, Big crime, Firing


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