September 20, 2024


Digital Desk, Tel Aviv. Israel has begun construction of a 4.6-kilometer-long wall around the Gaza Strip to protect Israeli communities in its surrounding areas from fire from coastal Palestinian enclaves. Work has begun on a security corridor project adjacent to the Gaza Strip aimed at concealing roads so that residents can move safely in case of emergency without fear of retaliation from the Gaza Strip, Xinhua news agency quoted the ministry as saying. Can drive there.

A wall is being built on two highways near Gaza. Cycle lanes will also be constructed as part of the project, according to the ministry.

The project will enable residents to live a normal life while increasing security, Elad Cohen, project manager for Netiv Israel, the state-owned road company that built parts of the wall, said in the statement.

The ministry estimates that the wall will be ready by the summer of 2023. Israel has already built ground and underground barriers in Gaza to prevent Palestinians from entering the Jewish state.


Disclaimer: This is a news published directly from IANS news feed. With this, the team of has not done any editing. In such a situation, any responsibility regarding the related news will be of the news agency only.


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