September 20, 2024



NASA has discovered a new planet named TOI 700 e.
This planet is as much as 95 percent of the Earth and it is 100 light years away.

Washington. NASA has discovered a planet similar to Earth (NASA New Planet), which is revolving around a small star about 100 light years away. The name of this new planet is TOI 700 e. It is a rocky planet, whose size is 95 percent of the Earth. It is only 5 percent smaller than Earth, which has been discovered orbiting an M dwarf star TOI 700.

Let us tell you that earlier in the year 2020, NASA had discovered a planet, which was named TOI 700 d. It is also of the size of the earth. This planet is so far from the star that water can possibly be present on it. If there is water on these planets, then one of these could be perfect for life. The announcement about the discovery of the fourth planet has been made on Tuesday at the 241st meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Seattle, USA.

Astronomers had previously discovered three planets in this system, called TOI 700 b, c and d. A study about the discovery of this planet has been accepted for publication by The Astrophysic Journal Letters. “This is one of the many small, habitable planetary systems we know of,” Emily Gilbert, lead author of the study at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadona, California, said in a statement. After this discovery, TOI 700 system will now have an additional follow up. Planet E is about 10 percent smaller than Planet D.

Small cool M dwarf stars like TOI 700 are common in the universe. Many such stars have been discovered in recent years. The closest planet to TOI 700 is TOI 700 B, which is 90 percent the size of Earth. It completes one round of its star in 10 earth days. After this TOI 700 C is two and a half times bigger than our planet. It completes the orbit of the star in 16 days.

Tags: Nasa


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