September 20, 2024


Under the new changes in US policy, there has been talk of expediting the process of getting people out of the country, and expanding the scope of ‘Title 42’ legal remedy.

The US government can use this measure related to the public health system to remove individuals from the country during public health emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

The top United Nations official for human rights affairs on Wednesday in one of his Statement warned that every month 30,000 citizens of Venezuela, Haiti, Cuba and Nicaragua are expected to be expelled from the US and sent to Mexico.

The High Commissioner for Human Rights said the US government’s latest move, including a ban on mass deportation, violates the principle that asylum seekers who are at risk to their lives should be returned to their country of origin. Can’t send.

He called the desire to get asylum a human right.

“The right to seek asylum is a human right, regardless of a person’s place of origin, immigration status, or how they arrived at an international border.”

review of conservation needs

US immigration officials have reportedly used ‘Title 42’ nearly 2.5 million times to deport people at the country’s southern border to Mexico or their country of origin.

According to the UN Human Rights Office, there was neither an individual review of people’s protection needs nor procedural safeguards.

Under the new changes, there is a plan to extend the scope of a ‘Human Welfare Parole Program’ to the citizens of Cuba, Haiti and Nicaragua. It has already been expanded to include citizens of Venezuela.

Through this initiative, every month about 30,000 people from these four countries will be able to come to America for a limited period of two years, but for this they will have to meet strict qualifications.

Volker Turk has welcomed the creation of safe and regular routes to enter the US, but cautioned that these must not be implemented at the expense of basic human rights.

These rights also include the right to seek asylum, the right to an individual review of protection needs.

hard to qualify

The High Commissioner for Human Rights reiterated the UN Refugee Agency’s concerns that limited access to the ‘Human Welfare Parole Programme’ cannot be a substitute for the rights of people seeking to protect their human rights.

Volker Turck cautioned that asylum seekers and people living in vulnerable conditions would find it difficult to meet the Human Welfare Parole Program’s strict criteria for entry. For this, he will also need a financial sponsor in America.

The top UN office official has issued his appeal in support of protecting and respecting the human rights of all refugees and migrants at international borders.

Volker Turck said, “We often hear a lot about migration crises, but in reality, it is migrants who are often in crisis.”

According to the High Commissioner for Human Rights, migration should be made humane for them, and in doing so, ensuring the full respect of each individual’s human rights, rather than denigrating them and denying them long-term rights.


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