September 20, 2024



Democratic lawmakers on Thursday called on President Joe Biden to revoke Bolsonaro’s visa
Lawmakers say US should not give asylum to anyone involved in riots against Brazil’s newly elected government
Joaquin Castro and Gregory Meeks, top Democrat leaders of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, placed the demand

washington, ongoing violence in brazil demonstrations There has been a demand to send former President Jair Bolsonaro, who came to America amid Brazil Riots, back to his country. Democratic lawmakers on Thursday called on President Joe Biden to revoke Bolsonaro’s visa, saying the US should not give asylum to anyone involved in riots against Brazil’s newly elected government, according to a news agency AFP. . Bolsonaro, a close confidante of former US President Donald Trump, flew to Florida instead of attending President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s January 1 inauguration and raised serious questions about the fairness of the October election. A few days after his arrival in America, violent demonstrations started taking place in the country.

Rioters supporting Bolsonaro surrounded the capital Brasilia on Sunday, vandalizing the presidential palace and other institutions, paralleling the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol. Joaquin Castro and Gregory Meeks, top Democrats on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said the US should not allow Bolsonaro or any other former Brazilian official to seek asylum in the United States to avoid punishment for any crimes.

At the same time, he asked the Biden administration to assess ‘Is Bolsonaro’s visit to the US legal? Because he may have come to America showing an official visit, even though he is no longer the President. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said about Bolsonaro’s presence at a news conference on Wednesday that the United States has not received any request from Brazil, but if it does, it will respond quickly on the subject.

Tags: Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, Joe Biden, USA, Violent Riots


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