September 20, 2024



10,000 Chinese army will be killed in war with Taiwan, think tank estimates
‘China’s 155 fighter aircraft and 138 big ships will be destroyed’
America and Japan will also jump into this war, both will suffer huge losses.

Washington. The conflict between China and Taiwan (China-Taiwan Tension) continues continuously. meanwhile A US think tank has analyzed till 2026 what would be lost if dictator China invades Taiwan? The think tank has said in its estimation that ‘there will be huge losses, even the US and Japanese army will jump into this war and support Taiwan, But in the end only China has to be defeated.

The Washington DC-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) has prepared a report, which has been published as ‘The First Battle of the Next War’. In this report, the situation of the Taiwan-China wargame has been shown. China’s dictator Xi Jinping wants to create history by including Taiwan in his territory before 2027, but to do so he will have to wage war, in which China will suffer a huge loss.

Chinese Navy will be busy
According to the results published in the report, at the end of this war, at least two American aircraft will be sunk in the Pacific region, while China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy will be disorganized. At the beginning of the attack there will be bombardment by China, which has been the rule of every war. The powerful PLA Rocket Force and PLA Navy will surround Taiwan and attempt to land ships and aircraft on the island.

America and Japan will also fight with China
According to the report, thousands of Chinese troops will cross the Taiwan Strait, while airstrikes and airborne forces will land behind the beachhead. However, according to CSIS, in the most likely baseline scenario, the Chinese offensive would falter quickly, as Taiwanese ground forces would flow onto the beachhead despite massive Chinese bombardments. Meanwhile, Taiwan will get help from the US and Japan ie US submarines, bombers and attack aircraft, which will be supported by the Japan Self Defense Forces (JSDF).

Victory may come at a high price!
Even if the victory of Taiwan, America and Japan is expected in this war, but hundreds of aircraft soldiers of all three countries will say goodbye to the world. Such a loss would harm America’s global standing for many years. The report estimates that about 3,200 American soldiers will be killed in the three-week war, almost half of what the US lost in the 20-year war in Iraq and Afghanistan, while China’s navy will be in shambles , China’s 155 fighter aircraft and 138 large ships will be destroyed, about 10,000 soldiers will be killed. If we talk about Japan, then more than 100 aircraft and 26 warships will also be destroyed.

Tags: America, China, China-Taiwan, Japan


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