September 20, 2024



5 policemen brutally beat 1 black youth in America
The deceased has been identified as Tyr Nichols
US President Joe Biden expressed grief, remembering George Floyd

Washington. In the US state of Tennessee, a case of murder has been registered against five policemen for beating a black man to death, reminiscent of the George Floyd incident. The video of the incident was made public by the Memphis Police Department on Friday, in which the hatred of the Memphis police officers for the black man was seen. In the video, five Memphis policemen are seen brutally beating the deceased Tyr Nichols. US President Joe Biden has also expressed his anger, he said that ‘I saw the video of beating of Tire Nichols,’ I am very sad that an innocent had to lose his life.’

According to the report of the news agency AP, the viral video is of 3 minutes, while the video released by the police is of 1 hour. In which 5 Memphis police officers are seen brutally beating 29-year-old Tire Nichols. Nichols’s death has sparked protests across America. The relatives of the deceased have urged the supporters to protest peacefully.

‘Outraged by Tyr Nichols’ death’
President Joe Biden tweeted on this incident, he wrote- ‘My heart goes out to the family of Tire Nichols and Americans in Memphis and across the country who are mourning this very painful incident. I have no words to describe the pain and sorrow of losing a dear child and young father. He has called for a peaceful protest from the protesters.

Memories of George Floyd are fresh
George Floyd was an American citizen of African descent. Actually, a shopkeeper had complained to the police against George for using fake notes. When George denied this, the police threw him on the ground. After this, Floyd’s neck was kept pressed continuously for 9 minutes 29 seconds, due to which he lost his life. The video of this entire incident went viral on the internet, Floyd was constantly saying ‘I can’t breathe’. After this incident, there was a lot of criticism of the American police. There were nationwide protests against apartheid and racism. People protested strongly against apartheid with the poster of ‘Black Lives Matter’.

Tags: America, Black Lives Matter, Joe Biden, Murder


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