September 20, 2024



There have been shocking revelations in research on black holes present in the Milky Way.
Black holes are the source of dark energy, dark energy makes the universe expand
This study of the University of Hawaii has been published in the Astrophysical Journal.

Black Hole: Researchers at the University of Hawaii have made shocking revelations by researching black holes present in the Milky Way. Scientists have claimed that Dark energy that expands the universe can be the source of black holes. This has been revealed by a study published in The Astrophysical Journal, which has concluded that after comparing the growth rate of black holes in different galaxies, dark energy can be created inside them.

A team of 17 international researchers led by the University of Hawaii has discovered the first evidence for the origin point of dark energy, reports The Guardian. this study Has been published in the Astrophysical Journal. Research shows that black holes gain mass in two ways, first by diffusion of gas and second by merging with the black hole. During this There is vacuum energy, which is the source of dark energy.

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What are black holes and dark energy?
Black Hole is considered a destroyer and a monster or monster-like body. Black holes are formed when massive stars are at the end of their lives. Due to its superpowerful gravity, even light cannot escape, that’s why it is not visible and it is also named Black Hole for this reason. In a theory of Albert Einstein, considered to be the most genius in the world, it was claimed that the universe cannot expand. However, it was later removed. In 1998, scientists understood that the universe is expanding rapidly. The reason for which this expansion is taking place, it has been called dark energy. However, scientists say on this study, “It is too early to think that black holes are related to dark energy in any way.”

Tags: Black hole, Research


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