September 20, 2024


Washington. Top US Senator Chuck Schumer said on Friday that America and Europe need countries like India to beat China. At the same time, he stressed that they all need to work together to ensure that the democratic international order does not crumble in the face of an increasingly aggressive Chinese Communist Party.

In fact, that is the message Senator Schumer of New York told Europeans and international leaders at the annual Munich Security Conference, leading a powerful bipartisan group of senators to India next week.

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‘India the world’s largest democracy’
“We must work together to ensure that the democratic international order does not disintegrate in the face of an increasingly aggressive Chinese Communist Party,” Schumer said at the McCain Award dinner at the Munich Security Conference. And this task is not just for the US and Europe: we need countries like India, the world’s largest democracy, to work with us to beat China.

‘India can be a strong partner to beat China’
Schumer said, ‘I will go on a trip to India and give them the same message that we want to counter the emerging threat from China. I urge Europe to do the same. India, with its democratic traditions, can be a very strong partner in defeating China. And India is partnering with western countries, so that we can fulfill the objective of advancing democracy.

Earlier in an op-ed in ‘The Washington Post’, Schumer had said that the democratic international order must be strengthened to counter the rise of the Chinese Communist Party.

Tags: China, Europe, India, United States


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