September 20, 2024



Several passers-by called 911 to police for flouting traffic rules by street race
When the stunt vehicles were asked to move, they started throwing firecrackers, bottles and stones
One officer was injured during the attacks and had to be hospitalized

washington, On seeing a street race in Texas, America, it turned into a big clash. The local police department said in a statement that the incident happened at 9 pm on Saturday after several passers-by called 911 to inform them about the street race flouting traffic rules. However, when the policemen on duty asked them to move, the crowd started hurling firecrackers, bottles and stones at them, leading to a clash between the police and the stuntmen.

Police accused cars and the crowd of blocking an intersection, setting off fireworks, and creating a stampede-like situation. A police statement said that the rioting crowd was dispersed and the intersection was reopened at 9:46 pm. However, after about 45 minutes, several vehicles belonging to a car club started creating a ruckus, posing a danger to the common citizens.

This time, people (Attack on Texas Police) attacked the police force that came to remove the crowd with stones and bottles. Along with this, many people also attacked the officers with laser on their eyes. Police added in the statement that rocks and bottles were thrown at the patrol vehicles causing damage. Two people were arrested for evading arrest. An officer was injured during the attacks and had to be hospitalised.

people caught in the fire
In a video that has gone viral on social media, it can be seen that a truck is coming out of the fire set on the ground. A few seconds later, a small explosion causes the fire to move towards the crowd. Some people came in the grip of fire in the incident. Some of them are seen taking off their clothes and running for safety, while others can be heard cheering and laughing.

Tags: Arrested, Fire, Police, World news


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