September 20, 2024



Nikki Haley has once again targeted Pakistan.
Said-At least a dozen terrorist organizations are present in Pakistan.
‘Pakistan should not get any kind of help.’

Washington. Indian-American Nikki Haley, who is in the race to become the Republican Party’s candidate in the US presidential election, is a constant attacker on Pakistan. He has once again targeted Pakistan regarding terrorism. Haley has said that there are at least a dozen terrorist organizations in Pakistan and this country should not get help from America.

Haley, 51, a two-time governor of South Carolina, formally launched her campaign for the 2024 presidential election last month. Haley tweeted on Wednesday, writing, ‘Pakistan There are at least a dozen terrorist organizations in the world. He should not get any kind of help.

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Earlier, along with Pakistan, China has also been attacked
For the last few days, Haley has been continuously talking about American foreign policy and has insisted that America should not provide any financial assistance to the friendly and allied countries of China and Russia. Earlier, in an article written for the ‘New York Post’ on Sunday, Haley had said that after coming to power, she would make America-hating bad guys go to countries like China and Pakistan. financial aid Will shut down

In an interview with Fox News on Sunday, he America The two rival countries of Russia and China had reiterated the point of stopping American aid to friendly and allied countries. He had said in his article written in ‘New York Post’ that America spent US $ 46 billion on foreign aid last year. This help went to countries like China, Pakistan and Iraq. He had said that the American people have the right to know where this money is going and how it is being spent. (with language input)

Tags: Nikki Haley, Pakistan, Terrorism


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