September 20, 2024


Cape Canaveral: Four astronauts with NASA’s SpaceX mission have returned to Earth late on Saturday night. His capsule landed in the Gulf of Mexico off the Florida coast near Tampa. Crew members from the US, Russia and Japan spent nearly five months aboard the International Space Station. This mission had left in October last. Astronauts led by NASA’s Nicole Mann left the space center on Saturday morning. Nicole is the first Native American woman to fly in space.

According to the AP report, Nicole said that she can feel the wind of the earth and the scent of fresh grass on her face. They are eager to taste their delicious dishes. Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata wished to eat sushi, while Russian cosmonaut Anna Kikina wished to drink tea in a real cup. NASA scientist Josh Cassada wants to bring a pet dog for his family. Now the space center has three astronauts from America, three from Russia and one from the United Arab Emirates.

Tags: Nasa, Space news


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