September 20, 2024



Men have a higher death risk than women after losing a life partner.
70 percent death risk for men after losing a life partner.
In such a situation, the risk of death in women was 27% higher.

Study On Losing a Spouse: A Florida State University study suggests that losing a spouse makes men 70% more likely to die within a year. This study PLOS It has been published in Forest magazine on 22 March. It has been found in the study that the grief of losing a spouse affects men the most. For the study, researchers analyzed data from nearly one million Danish citizens aged 65 and over, from Denmark, the UK and Singapore.

The study found that younger people who lost their spouses were more likely to die within a year, reports AFP. Overall, the researchers also found that in the year following the loss of a spouse, men were 70% more likely to die, while women were 27% more likely to die. Aging in general means a higher risk of death, says Dawn Carr, co-director of Aging Research, and couples often share their lifestyle habits and other behaviors that play a big role in health, such as diet and exercise. . All these increase their chances of survival, but as soon as they get separated, their health is also affected.

What was surprising was that the young men in the study were finding the loss of a spouse more difficult than the women. The loss of a spouse may increase the risk of death in younger men by up to three years. The report states that men of all ages are at increased risk of mortality. Loneliness is a major cause of death in old age. The study also included data on people’s health care expenses before and after they lost their spouse. In such times people have to struggle with depression. Due to lack of food and drink, a condition like weakness starts, due to which various diseases start catching up, due to which the cost of health care also starts increasing.

Tags: Florida, Research


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