September 20, 2024


New Delhi. Scientists have achieved great success in the direction of eradicating cancer and many such diseases. New possibilities have arisen using artificial intelligence in treatment. Here, it has been said in the journal Nature that success has been achieved in injecting tumor-killing drugs directly into the same cells. Google Artificial Intelligence-based Tiny Syringe was used to inject the drugs.

The research team, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University, has built a tiny syringe-like injection structure using the Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool AlphaFold. A special type of bacteria Photorhabdus was chosen for this structure. Actually this particular bacteria naturally forms a type of syringe-like injection structure. Through this he infects insects.

Breakthrough in injecting effective drugs directly into human cells
A team of researchers has used Google’s AI venture DeepMind to develop a bacteria injection system. This allows injecting proteins, including cancer-killing drugs and gene therapy, directly into human cells. The journal Nature states that these mini-syringe structures were used to deliver useful proteins to both human cells and cells in live mice. “Delivery of therapeutic molecules is a major hurdle for medicine, and we will need a deep bench of options to get these powerful new therapies into the right cells in the body,” said Feng Zhang Professor of Neuroscience at MIT. “

Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Cancer


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