September 20, 2024



Serious allegations on America’s Church, priests exploited children
More than 600 children were sexually abused, but the matter was suppressed
Attorney General’s report revealed, 80 years old handiwork came to the fore

Annapolis (Maryland). There have been serious allegations against the Catholic Church of Baltimore, America. Children have been sexually abused by priests and church officials since the 1940s, and some children have been abused by multiple abusers over a long period of time. Maryland’s Attorney General Anthony Brown, released on Wednesday, has mentioned this sexual abuse while releasing the 463-page report. It includes the names of many priests and their actions. It said that the church had repeatedly dismissed allegations of child sexual abuse and had not punished its accused.

It has been said in the report that when the abuser was identified, he was removed from that child. It was promised that he would stay away from the child. The Archdiocese did not take harsh action against any priest. During the investigation, it was found that during about 80 years, 156 people sexually abused more than 600 children. Although this number is likely to be much higher. The report said that there were 11 child abusers from 1964 to 2004 and that St. Mark’s Parish in Catonsville had become a haven for abusers. Sexual abuse was widespread and the targeting of children was not uncommon here.

Used to exploit by saying ‘God’s will’, used to target helpless children first
Children and eyewitnesses told about the exploiting priests that the misdemeanors had neither shame nor fear. They used to call it God’s will and used to target helpless children first. Based on thousands of documents and the untold stories of hundreds of survivors, it provides a public account of more than 80 years of abuse and cover-ups for the first time in this state’s history.

Wasn’t concerned about saving the kids, just wanted to avoid scandal
In the report of the Attorney General regarding the church, it has been said that the biggest concern was to save the church from scandal in some way. Instead of saving the children, the church only cared about itself and kept the incidents of exploitation hidden. Anthony Brown said that for the first time in the state’s history there has been a public report of more than 60 years of sexual abuse, abuse and cover-up. The institution was not concerned about the children, nor did it have any attachment with the children. These children were helpless, helpless, orphan or poor, who were kept in the church for some reason.

Tags: America, Church Incident, Head of the Catholic Church


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