September 20, 2024



In August 2021, the US army left Afghanistan.
Joe Biden assumed power only in January 2021 and the return was considered chaotic.
Republicans have been angered by holding Trump responsible for this in the report.

There is no doubt that bitterness has increased in many democracies of the world and its example is not only India but also America. The way court action is being taken against the former President of America, and he is giving a statement in response to it, it is clearly visible in which direction the political rivalry is going. Recently, the administration of current President Joe Biden has issued a review of some classified reports in which Trump is responsible for the haphazard withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan. This has angered Republican MPs. This review can have an impact not only on America but also on the world.

increasing competition
In American politics, the rivalry between Democrats and Republicans has increased a lot recently. Where Trump’s lawsuit will make him famous, Republicans will also be forced to think what effect it can have on Trump’s candidacy. It is also true that till now the Republicans are not able to ignore the popularity of Trump.

Republican reaction
In such a situation, Republicans are considering the attack on Trump as a direct attack on themselves for the way of withdrawal from Afghanistan. The review clearly states that Trump had failed to plan for the withdrawal of US forces and that his administration had not had time to plan anything. This has created resentment among Republican MPs and they have demanded documents so that they can investigate it themselves.

Republican charge
These reviews of the Biden administration have been extracted from the Pentagon and the Secret State Department of America, which have been sent to the Congress. Michael McCall, Republican Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the US House of Representatives, has sharply criticized the Democrat administration. He said in a statement that it was Biden who ordered the withdrawal and he is responsible for the colossal failure in its implementation and planning.

round of accusations
McCall, who oversaw the Republican investigation, alleges that it was because of his own persistent allegations last year that he forced the Dem administration to send the Pentagon and State Department reviews to Congress. The summary of the review states that the choice of how to plan troop withdrawal was severely limited by the circumstances created by his predecessor. The outgoing administration did not provide a plan to determine how to make a final return.

20 years talk u turn
The US military had a presence in Afghanistan for 20 years and the main reason for that was the rise of the Taliban, but after 20 years, the Taliban rose again and captured half of Afghanistan, and the Trump administration negotiated the withdrawal of US forces. Started the process and when the withdrawal started, lakhs of people were forced to flee Afghanistan after the Taliban captured Kabul.

There are many lessons for the world as well as for India from this matter. Such an event, which had affected the geostrategic and political situation of the whole world for 20 years, its outcome was not good, at least for the neighboring countries including Afghanistan and India, and now this kind of politics warns that American politics There is a need to be very careful about this. The decision of the Russia-Ukraine war itself seems to depend on the next US presidential election, in which a Republican victory could raise hopes of peace. In such a situation, it seems to be the right decision for India to engage with the Taliban keeping in view its own interests.

Tags: Afghanistan, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Research, USA, World


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