September 20, 2024


Washington. Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman reprimanded the western countries, rejecting the perception being made about the condition of Muslim minorities in India and reports that they are victims of violence. Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday said during an event at the US-based Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIII) that the minority community in India is doing “much better” than in the Islamic country of Pakistan.

PIIE President Adam S. Posen questioned Nirmala Sitharaman about the loss of membership of opposition MPs in the Western press and the widespread Western media reporting on violence against Muslim minorities in India. In response to this, the Indian Finance Minister said, ‘India has the second largest Muslim population in the world and that population is only increasing. If it was difficult for them to live in India or their life was made difficult with the support of the government, would the Muslim population have been increasing as compared to 1947?’

‘Minorities are suffering in Pakistan’
Finance Minister Sitharaman then made a comparison between the then India and the newly formed country of Pakistan while referring to the partition. He said, ‘If there has been a decline in the number of minorities then it is Pakistan. Pakistan has declared itself an Islamic country, but it promised to protect the minorities. Today there has been a decrease in the number of every minority community. He said, ‘The condition of minorities in Pakistan is deteriorating and their numbers are decreasing day by day. Small allegations are leveled against minorities in Pakistan, for which punishment like death penalty is given.

During this, Sitharaman referred to the violence against some Muslim sects in Pakistan and said, “There is violence against Muhajirs, Shias and every other group you can name.” These are such Muslim communities which are not accepted in the mainstream, whereas in India you will find that Muslims of every class are doing their own business, their children are getting educated. He is being given fellowship by the government.

Nirmala Sitharaman also spoke on the negative ‘Western’ perception of India
Along with this, Posen asked Sitharaman a question about the perceptions affecting investment or capital inflow in India, to which the Finance Minister said, ‘I think the answer lies with the investors who are coming to India. These are the investors who have been coming to India for the last several years. To any investor who is interested in getting investment, I would just tell them to see what is happening in India and not believe in the misconceptions of some people who are not aware of the ground reality and just prepared reports. Let’s do it.

Sitharaman, who arrived in the US on Sunday to attend the International Monetary Fund and World Bank meeting, also urged the World Trade Organization (WTO) to be more progressive. She said, ‘I would like the WTO to be more progressive, more listening to all countries and more fair. It has to give place to the voices of those countries who have something different to say and not just to be heard but also to be heard to some extent.

Tags: America News, Indian Muslims, nirmala sitharaman


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