September 20, 2024



A shootout broke out between anti-drug units and drug cartels in Mexico.
The gang’s henchmen have fled leaving their vehicle and weapons there.
Tiger was found tied behind the car, which was left in the sanctuary.

Washington: In some parts of Mexico, there are frequent shootings between security personnel and drug cartels. Something similar happened last Monday as well. in Sinaloa, northern Mexico Members of the Mexican Anti-Drug Unit spotted a convoy of cartel vehicles believed to be drug traffickers. Fierce firing took place between the two. When the gang realized that it was difficult to escape now, they fled leaving their weapons and vehicles. Police said that a Bengal tiger was also found on the back seat of the vehicle, but it was not harmed in the firing.

According to The Metro, gang operatives fled the area leaving behind their cars, weapons, ammunition and the tiger in a fierce shootout between the security personnel and the drug gangs. This tiger was tied on the back seat of the car. The tiger is practically synonymous with drug cartels. Drug lords keep these tigers with them so that they can show their power. In 2011, news came that Mexico’s drug cartels used to kill their enemies and feed them to tigers.

Read- Mexico: There was a stir after seeing a stray dog ​​carrying a human head, the case is related to drug cartel, know

The security personnel fired so much on the vehicles of the drug cartel that there were bullet marks everywhere. But fortunately, nothing happened to the tiger. The security personnel seized three vehicles and weapons and the tiger was taken to the Ostok reserve near the Kuliakan zoo.

Drug cartels are considered very dangerous in Mexico, they decapitate human heads and leave a note with their remains to intimidate their enemies. Only last year, body parts were found in the city of Monte Escobedo in Mexico, and the head was seen being carried in the mouth of a dog. Its video was also posted on social media.

Tags: Drug Cartels, Mexico


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