September 20, 2024



The child asked Biden which country did you visit last time.
US President Joe Biden kept remembering the answer to the question.
When the child told the correct answer, Joe Biden asked, ‘How do you know this.’

Washington: US President Joe Biden joins a group of children on ‘Take Your Child to Work Day’ at the White House. He welcomed the children. During this, the children also asked Biden questions about his personal life. Some asked how many grandchildren do you have? So someone asked which country did you visit last. Biden kept remembering the answer to this question and said that it was difficult to track, but when the child answered, Biden was surprised because the answer was correct. This video is also being liked a lot on social media.

The child asked Biden, which country did you visit last time? Biden said, ‘I am thinking of the last country I visited. In which country was I last?’ Then he said, ‘I’ve met 89 heads of state so far, so I’m trying to think where was the last one? It’s hard to keep track. Then a child immediately said, ‘Ireland!’ Biden said, ‘Yes you are right, Ireland. It was there.’ After this the crowd started laughing.

Tags: Joe Biden, US News, Viral video


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