September 20, 2024


Viral News: During domestic traveling in America, a strange incident was seen with a woman. Actually, due to the mistake of an airline company, the woman reached abroad in domestic travel. Surprisingly, when the woman landed at the airport, she had neither passport nor visa. According to ABC News, a woman named Alice Hebbard flew from the American airline company Frontier. He had taken a ticket from New Jersey to Florida. But due to a glitch, she boarded another flight and reached the Caribbean country Jamaica.

Security officials were also shocked
Alice was supposed to go to Florida, but during check-in, the airline personnel did not pay attention and the woman boarded the international flight. When she landed there at the airport, she did not even know that she had reached abroad. When the security check was done, along with him, the investigating officers were also shocked.

the whole incident
Alice said that she often travels by flight. That day too, she reached the gate to board the flight, in which ‘PHL To JAX’ was written. But before boarding the flight, she went to the bathroom. When I returned, the person checking the boarding pass hurriedly made me sit in another flight. Ellis claimed that due to the entry gate change, she reached Jamaica instead of Jacksonville, Florida.

what did alice say
According to Ellis, I am recovering from back surgery. Seeing me, the airline staff made me sit directly on the seat. In a hurry, he checked the boarding pass. After takeoff, it was found that I had boarded the wrong flight. By that time it was too late. Later, with the help of the flight attendant, she landed at Jamaica airport and from there took another flight back to America.

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In this matter, a spokesperson of Frontier Airlines said that we express regret about this incident and apologize to the customer. We have decided to refund the ticket money and give compensation to them. Along with this matter has been resolved with the airport of Jamaica.

Tags: Flight, USA, Viral news


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