September 20, 2024



The world’s first space tourist has made up his mind to do another adventure.
Dennis Tito and his wife have signed a contract for SpaceX’s Starship program.
Dennis Tito, 82, made a short trip to the International Space Station 21 years ago.

Florida. The world’s first space tourist has made up his mind to do another adventure. This time he is ready to roam on the moon with Elon Musk’s Starship program. Dennis Tito, 82, who made a short trip to the International Space Station 21 years ago. Now he is not interested in flying to the space station. Now he wants to travel to the moon. He will not be alone on this journey. With him, a total of 10 people including his wife are ready to spend a hefty amount for a trip to the moon.

But Tito has come to know that he still has a lot of tests left for the Starship, according to a report in India Today. Tito told the Associated Press that if it weren’t for this mission, I wouldn’t have been doing any good exercise. I would have been sitting on a rocking chair.

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Tito started space tourism in 2001. He became the first to pay for space in his own way and to oppose NASA in the process. The US space agency did not want anyone to visit the station during the construction of the station. But the Russian space agency needed cash and, with the help of US-based Space Adventures, launched a series of wealthy clients to tour the station during the 2000s.

Tito said that the contract was signed between him and SpaceX in August 2021. It was announced on Wednesday. This includes the option of flying within five years from the present time. Tito will be 87 years old by then and if his health deteriorates during this time, he will get out of this contract.

It is known that John Glenn was the first American to orbit the Earth and he still holds the record for being the oldest astronaut. Tito said he was preparing to break the preconceived notions of age. He said that he (John Glenn) was only 77 years old. He was just a young man. Maybe I will be 10 years older than him.

Tags: Science news, Space Science, Space tourism


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