September 20, 2024



Till now no US President has been to Nagasaki.
Japan wanted Joe Biden to visit Nagasaki along with Hiroshima.
America has rejected it, now Biden will go to Hiroshima only in the G7 meeting.

Seven most powerful countries of the world will hold summit on this Sunday. This meeting is being held in Hiroshima city of Japan. This is the same city on which America dropped an atomic bomb during World War II. Apart from this, an atomic bomb was also dropped in Nagasaki city of Japan two days after that. In such a situation, if US President Joe Biden is traveling to Hiroshima, then it is natural to expect that he should also visit Nagasaki and pay tribute to the citizens killed there due to the atomic bomb. But Joe Biden will not go to Nagasaki. After all, why did Biden decide not to go to Nagasaki, it is a matter of thinking.

The purpose of a joint statement was
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida himself wanted Biden to go to Nagasaki and give a statement against nuclear weapons. The Japan Times has quoted diplomatic sources as saying that the Biden administration has tried to avoid controversies by refusing to visit Nagasaki. Significantly, whenever an American President goes to Japan, the issue of America’s apology for dropping the atomic bomb on Japan in World War II comes up.

Against nuclear threat due to Ukraine crisis
Japanese Prime Minister Kishida wanted to talk about a joint visit with Biden to resolve to free the world from nuclear weapons. The joint statement of both of them would have an impact on the whole world in the context of the danger of possibilities of escalation of nuclear conflict in the wake of Ukraine crisis.

Biden missed an opportunity
In 2016, US Republican President Barack Obama also came to Hiroshima to attend the G7 meeting and he was the first US President to do so. But Biden missed the opportunity to be the first US President to visit Nagasaki. Biden can go to Nagasaki and give a new message of efforts for peace to the world. But he didn’t do that.

World, USA, Research, India, Japan, Joe Biden, US president, Russia Ukraine Wark, G7, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Second World war, Nuclear Bomb,

Joe Biden will go to Hiroshima but he does not want to go to Nagasaki and give rise to controversies. (Representational photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Museum Visiting Program?
Meanwhile, apart from the meeting of G7 leaders taking place in Japan, a program to visit Hiroshima’s atomic bomb museum has also been organized for all the leaders including Biden. If this program happens, it will be the first time that the leaders of G7 will be seen together in this museum. At this time America Russia is supporting Ukraine in Ukraine war and is supplying arms to it.

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America remains on the backfoot in this matter
In fact, when America dropped two nuclear weapons on Japan during World War II, it was criticized all over the world and it is still happening today. It is said that it was not necessary for America to drop an atomic bomb on Japan to defeat it, but the reality was that Japan had almost surrendered, if America wanted, it could have ended the war even without dropping an atomic bomb.

World, USA, Research, India, Japan, Joe Biden, US president, Russia Ukraine Wark, G7, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Second World war, Nuclear Bomb

Many experts argue that at the end of World War II, the US could have avoided dropping the atomic bomb if it had wanted to. (Representational photo: shutterstock)

If America wanted to, could it have avoided dropping the atomic bomb?
In fact, the second war in Europe ended on May 8, 1945 itself with the defeat of Hitler and Germany. But Japan had not asked for defeat till that time and experts believe that by then Japan’s defeat had already been confirmed. But after three months, America dropped atomic bombs on Japan. For which many arguments are given. Many reasons have been given like teaching Japan a lesson of Pearl Harbor attack, occupying Japan before Soviet Union, making itself the most powerful in the world even before the Cold War.

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But in today’s situation America is supporting Ukraine’s Russia Ukraine war where both sides are ready to give a very gruesome answer to the first nuclear attack. America is openly giving arms to Ukraine and it is telling Europe that it should give more arms. Overall, he is desperate to teach Russia a lesson. But the threat of world war has stopped his hands. In such a situation, going to Nagasaki and lobbying for the abolition of nuclear weapons can put him in controversy.

Tags: G7, Hiroshima, India, Japan, Research, USA, World


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