September 20, 2024



By the time the suspect was shot dead by the police, three people died in the shootout.
Earlier on April 30, in a similar incident, the accused had shot 5 people.
A survey shows that there are more guns here than the population of America.

New Mexico: America is about to complete 250 years of independence, but even today no government has been able to control the gun culture. This is the reason why there are reports of open firing every day. Sometimes its target is the children of the school and sometimes the innocent people roaming on the road or mall. One such incident came to light in northwestern New Mexico, when an 18-year-old youth started firing indiscriminately. By the time the suspect was shot dead by the police, at least 3 people were killed and 7 people, including two policemen, were badly injured in the shootout.

Firing took place at 11 am
Farmington is a city close to the state of Utah, which will have a population of around 50,000. It is the supply line of the oil and natural gas industry of the state border area. Here at around 11 in the morning, a young man carried out this incident. According to the report, while giving information, the police said that the concerned officer received the news of rapid firing by a person on the road of the residential area. By the time the police confronted him, 3 people had died. The police is now engaged in investigating the matter.

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3 people killed and 7 people injured
The injured were taken to the San Juan Regional Medical Center, including a Farmington police officer and a state police officer. The condition of both the police officers is said to be stable at present. The city’s mayor, Nate Doucet, said both officers were shot, but both are out of danger. While 3 people have lost their lives in this incident. Joseph Robledo, an eyewitness to the incident, said that his wife and 1-year-old daughter hid in the laundry room after hearing the sound of gunfire. A bullet went through the window of his daughter’s room without injuring anyone. The details of the suspects and the dead have not been clarified yet.

Around 200 firing incidents in a year
According to a report, so far this year around 200 shooting incidents have come to light in America. In which some person opened fire on the collective people. Earlier on April 30, in a similar incident, the accused had shot 5 people, including a 9-year-old child.

gun culture is not letting the pressure of gun lobby end
America is about to complete 250 years of independence, but till date no government has been able to control the gun culture here. Rather many presidents and governors have been advocating it. One of the reasons behind this is also considered to be the gun lobby which makes huge profits from this business. According to a 2019 report, there are about 63,000 licensed gun dealers in America who did a business of about 83,000 crores this year.

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more guns than population
The report of a survey related to small arms in Switzerland shows that there are more guns than the population of America. America accounts for 5 percent of the world’s population, while America alone holds 46 percent of the world’s total civilian guns. That is, out of a total of 86 crore guns sold in the world, America was the buyer of 40 crore guns.

Tags: America News, Gun Fire


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