September 20, 2024


In Indian tradition, the company of husband and wife lasts for seven births. Even though it is not believed in western countries, but there also husband and wife love each other immensely and swear to live and die together. But when destiny decides to separate them, everything changes. With the demise of either one, the other partner is forced to die in an instant. The same happened with an American woman (American woman charged with husband’s murder) whose husband died mysteriously. She became so sad that she gave words to that sorrow and wrote a children’s book in memory of her husband. But this whole incident is not as simple as we told you.

Under the News18 Hindi series ‘Brutal Women Series’, today we will discuss a recent case in which a wife is accused of killing her own husband. According to the report of CNN News website, 33-year-old Kouri Richins, who lives in Utah, USA, is the mother of 3 boys and she was married to Eric Richins for almost 9 years. But on March 3, 2022, Eric died suddenly, which shook Corey’s life. Eric was in business and Corey was also a real estate agent. When one of her deals got finalized, she had brought a bottle of liquor for her husband to celebrate the same. After giving her husband a drink, she went to the room of one of her sons as he was getting scared of nightmares at night.

Mysterious death of husband
When she reached Eric’s room at around 3 o’clock in the night, she saw that he was lying dead on the ground. Corey immediately called the police. After which the postmortem of the dead body took place. Investigation revealed that Eric died of an overdose of fentanyl. Fentanyl overdose is a drug and this drug was found in Eric’s body in 5 times his quantity. Seeing the report, the police suspected Corey. But she wanted proof that she had killed her husband by giving poison.

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A few days after her husband’s death, she wrote a children’s book in his memory. (Photo: Twitter/@901Lulu)

Wrote book in memory of husband
By the end of the year, Corey had written a children’s book in memory of her husband, Are You With Me? (Are you with me?) For the promotion of the book, Cori participated in different podcast shows and told everyone that she is deeply saddened by the death of her husband. She tries that the soul of the husband (author murder husband) stays in the house and takes care of the whole family. Meanwhile, the police took out a search warrant and checked Corey’s mobile phone. In it, they found a message that Cori had sent to a friend, in which she was asking for some kind of pain killer, which was only fentanyl. The friend had provided him 15-20 pills.

Husband expressed fear of killing
Apart from the message, Eric’s family also told many things related to Cory to the police which proved that he had a hand in this murder. The family said that Eric had said that Corey would be responsible if anything happened to them. Eric had also told the family that Corey had tried to poison him twice. Once Eric and Corey went on vacation to Greece, Eric called his sister and told her that Corey had given him a drink, which made him furious. On 14 February 2022, Eric suddenly fainted on the dining table. Then some of his friends came over for Valentine’s Day dinner. After regaining consciousness, Eric had told a friend that he suspected that his wife wanted to kill him.

Husband had thrown out of the property
Another big evidence came out from Eric’s life insurance company. In January 2022, Corey changed the beneficiary of Eric’s policy, who was his friend, to his own name. As soon as the company contacted Eric about it, he changed the name again. Not only this, Eric had changed his wife’s name in the Power of Attorney and made his sister a beneficiary in the Will. Corey came to know after Eric’s death that Eric had removed his name, after which he started suing Eric’s family. Seeing all these evidences, the police arrested Corey. Now he is in jail and the next hearing will be on May 19. Then the judge will decide whether she will remain in jail or not before the trial starts.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, Trending news, Weird news


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