September 20, 2024



US panel on China has recommended to make India a part of NATO Plus.
NATO Plus (now NATO Plus 5) is a security system.
The committee was headed by chairman Mike Gallagher and ranking member Raja Krishnamurthy.

Washington: Ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s US visit, a powerful committee of the Congress has recommended India’s inclusion in ‘NATO Plus’. NATO Plus (now NATO Plus 5) is a security arrangement that brings together NATO and the five alliance nations Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Israel, and South Korea to enhance global defense cooperation.

By including India in this, intelligence information will be shared between these countries in a seamless manner and India will have access to modern military technology without any time lag. The House Select Committee on Strategic Competition between the US and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) passed a policy resolution to enhance Taiwan’s deterrence capability, including strengthening NATO Plus by including India. The committee was headed by chairman Mike Gallagher and ranking member Raja Krishnamurthy.

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To win strategic competition with the Communist Party of China and ensure Taiwan’s security, the US needs to strengthen ties with our allies and security partners, including India, the select committee said. India’s inclusion in NATO Plus will enhance the close partnership between the US and India in preventing CCP aggression in the Indo-Pacific region and strengthening global security.

Indian-American Ramesh Kapoor, who has been working on this proposal for the last six years, said that this is an important development. He hoped that this recommendation would find place in the National Defense Authorization Act 2024 and eventually it would become a law. Significantly, Prime Minister Modi will go on a state visit to American next month.

Tags: America, Joe Biden, NATO, PM Ways


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