September 20, 2024



America said – do not seek conflict or confrontation with China
US and China can solve global challenges like climate
The American public’s support for Ukraine will not wane.

Colorado: US President Joe Biden has said that Sweden will soon be a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Turkey and Hungary are constantly opposing the inclusion of Scandinavian countries in NATO. Despite this, Biden has indicated to make Sweden a part of NATO as soon as possible.

US President Joe Biden said on Thursday that Sweden would soon NATO will join. Joe Biden congratulated Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on being re-elected. Biden told reporters that Erdogan America Has reiterated its desire to buy F-16 fighter jets from India. Wherein, Joe Biden from Turkey Sweden urged to give up its objection to the joining of NATO. He urged Sweden to join the military alliance (NATO Alliance). turkeys Indicated to remove the opposition of (Turkey).

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Joe Biden said that despite Russian President Vladimir Putin’s attempt to break the alliance with the invasion of Ukraine (Russia-Ukraine War), NATO is stronger. He said that with the entry of Finland and soon the coming of Sweden, NATO will become much stronger. He said, ‘It will happen, I promise you. But did not give any specific details.

Biden warned graduates during a flag-raising commencement speech in Colorado Springs, Colorado, of the challenges Russia and China pose as they enter the service of an increasingly unstable world.

Earlier, Joe Biden said on Monday that he would soon talk to Erdogan again. It is known that the annual summit of NATO is going to be held in Vilnius (Lithuania) in July.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday urged Turkey to immediately finalize Sweden’s entry into NATO. The US Secretary of State said that Sweden has already taken important steps to overcome Turkey’s objections to its membership. The White House has denied that Biden is making a deal with Turkey to end its protest in exchange for F16.

80-year-old US President Joe Biden is preparing to contest for re-election in 2024. He shook hands with and saluted more than 900 blue-uniformed graduates. The Air Force Academy is at an altitude of 7,258 feet (2,212.3 m) above sea level. Biden also clarified that there is a deep tension in the relations between America and China, but America will not back down from the challenges posed by China.

He said that the United States does not seek conflict or confrontation with China. China and the United States should be able to work together where we can solve some of the global challenges like climate. He said that the United States will stand up for its interests and those of its allies. But we are ready for tough competition. The President emphasized US support for Ukraine in its war with Russia. Biden said that the American public’s support for Ukraine will not decrease.

Tags: NATO, US President Joe Biden, World news in hindi


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