September 20, 2024


New Delhi. With the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), many tasks related to people’s lives have become easier. Some people also believe that even though AI technology is making life easier, but due to this a large number of jobs can also be lost. Meanwhile, in America, an automated drone with artificial intelligence has created a sensation by attacking its operator. In fulfilling its objective, this AI system started seeing the operator as an enemy and attacked it. This test was done by the US Air Force. Fortunately, the test was not real but a simulator.

Colonel Tucker Hamilton, chief of AI Test and Operations of the US Air Force, disclosed this virtual test in a conference. He said, “Syston realized that it had not recognized the danger. At that time the human operator was telling him not to destroy the danger but he still goes ahead to destroy the danger. What will he do in such a situation? He destroyed his operator because the operator was the person who was stopping him from doing his job.

Hamilton further said, “We had trained the system that you do not have to kill the operator. It is wrong to do so. If you do this you will lose your marks. What will he start doing in such a situation? In such a case, he will destroy the communication tower which is sending the message to him. So that no one can stop him from destroying the target.

Hamilton told that this was done through the simulation system. Actually no person lost his life. Hamilton has warned against using artificial intelligence more than necessary.

Tags: Drone Attack, US Army, US News


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