September 20, 2024


Washington: Indian-origin writer Salman Rushdie is writing a book about the attack on him. Let us tell you that last year Rushdie was attacked with a knife on stage in New York. He had lost sight in one eye as a result of the attack. He said this through a zoom meeting during an ongoing program in Britain.

The Guardian quoted Salman Rushdie as saying, “I’m trying to write a book about the attack itself – what happened and what it means, not just about the attack, but about the many things that happened around it.” Will write things too. “It will be a small book, some 100 pages. It’s not the easiest book in the world to write, but in order to do anything else, I need to move beyond it. I just have to deal with it.

At the Hay Festival, Salman Rushdie received the Prose Medal for his recent book Victory City. Speaking of Victory City, Rushdie said, “Most people seem to like the book, and that counts for a lot.” Rushdie also said that he is satisfied with the positive reviews about this book. This book has been published after the attack on him.

Salman Rushdie was stabbed in August last year when he was about to deliver a public lecture in the United States. Hadi Matar, who stabbed Rushdie, was charged with attempted murder. Rushdie spent nearly six weeks in hospital after being stabbed and losing sight in one eye. Rushdie reportedly found it difficult to type because he suffered from hand injuries that left some of his fingers feelingless.

Salman Rushdie lost sight in one eye, one hand also stopped working

Salman Rushdie went into hiding for nearly 10 years following the publication of his book The Satanic Verses in 1988, which resulted in a fatwa being issued against him. There were many protests regarding the allegations of the book being anti-Islamic. Rushdie received death threats, and the then leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, called for the author’s murder and declared a $3 million (over 24 crores) ‘bounty’ for his head.

Tags: Book, Salman Rushdie, Wo


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