September 20, 2024


Washington. Indian-American Congressman Raja Krishnamurthy said that India and the US should take advantage of their strengths to present a viable alternative against China’s authoritarian model. MP Krishnamurthy is a member of the powerful Committee in the House of Representatives on ‘Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’. His statement came ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to America this month at the invitation of US President Joe Biden.

Krishnamurthy said, ‘I believe the visit (Modi) shows the strength of the relationship between India and America and I see it above politics at this time. We have to strengthen it, intensify it and ensure that we take it to new heights. He said, ‘We have to make sure that we use our power to make it clear that the Communist Party of China is presenting an authoritarian dictatorship model to the world, but there is a viable alternative in front of it. Commitment to democracy, human rights, commitment to pluralism is very important.

The ‘Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’ recently adopted a policy proposal to enhance Taiwan’s deterrence and strengthen NATO Plus, including the inclusion of India. ‘NATO Plus’ is currently ‘NATO Plus 5’ and is a type of security arrangement that brings together the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and five allied countries – Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Israel and South Korea. By including India in this, it will be easier to share intelligence between these countries and India will be able to access modern military technology without delay.

Krishnamurthy (49) said in response to a question, ‘I think we have to discuss how we strengthen the security system within the Indo-Pacific region. How do we take advantage of our strengths? How do we ensure that we are able to maintain an international rules-based order in that area?’

At the same time, Indian-American leader in Silicon Valley Yogi Chugh said that there is a lot of enthusiasm among Americans about Prime Minister Modi’s visit and Indian Americans can play an important role in strengthening bilateral relations. He said in an interview with ‘PTI-Bhasha’, ‘There is a lot of enthusiasm, whether it is technology, community or the respect India is getting in America. So I think there’s a lot of enthusiasm. My father is 90 years old and is excited that the Prime Minister is coming to America.

Tags: China, Joe Biden, Narendra modi, United States


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