September 20, 2024



The US formally left UNESCO at the end of 2018.
From 2011, he had stopped giving money to UNESCO.
Now America wants to return to stop the growing influence of China.

Recently, America has expressed its intention to rejoin the United Nations organization UNESCO. Giving information, UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay said that America has officially given notice that it wants to rejoin UNESCO from July 2023. A decade ago, the US left UNESCO along with Israel because UNESCO proposed to make Palestine its member. But this time the discussion on the withdrawal of America is not of Israel Palestine but of China. What are the concerns of China and America in this matter?

benefits of unesco
On the other hand, UNESCO and other member countries are happy about the return of America because this organization will get huge financial help. And UNESCO many programs including programs to deal with climate change, encourage women’s education. America owes UNESCO six million dollars, which has not been paid for the last almost a decade.

America’s concern
It is being told that this time along with the return of America, it has also expressed its intention to repay the outstanding liability but has also taken the name of China. American officials say that the decision to withdraw is motivated by the fact that China was encircling the empty space created by America leaving the institution, worried about which America has intended to withdraw.

Worried about China’s influence
America is especially concerned that China is influencing the minds and policies being set for artificial intelligence and technical education around the world. America’s Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Richard Verma, while presenting the plan of return to UNESCO, also talked about repaying the liability.

World, USA, China, United Nations, Research, UNESCO, Israel, China influence, US dues,

America’s relations with UNESCO have been going bad since 2011 and since then it had stopped giving financial assistance to UNESCO. (Representational photo: Shutterstock)

Why America left UNESCO
America and Israel refused to give UNESCO money in the year 2011 when the proposal to include Palestine as a member in UNESCO was passed. After this, in 2017, the Trump administration completely separated itself from the organization. It was at that time that UNESCO’s anti-Israel attitude and management problems were cited as the reason.

UNESCO reform
In a letter to UNESCO, Verma has referred to UNESCO’s management reform and the declining political debate especially in the Middle East. This application has been handed over to UNESCO by a delegation in Paris. At the same time, UNESCO also worked on its budget and finance management reform and has done remarkable work to build a consensus among the diplomats of Jordan, Palestine, and Israel on sensitive UNESCO proposals.

china factor
In America, it has been believed for some time that China’s influence on the organization has increased due to its absence in UNESCO, due to which America’s efforts to promote the creation of an open world have been pushed. Now America does not have that influence in UNESCO, while UNESCO contributes very significantly to the standards of technology, education, etc. In today’s digital era, the need to be serious about competition with China is being felt.

This is not the first time that America has left UNESCO for some reason. Earlier in 1984, the Reagan administration had left UNESCO saying that “the agency has been promoting Soviet interests and has become corrupt and mismanaged.” But after that America again became a member of UNESCO in 2003. Right now it has become the priority of America to stop the growing supremacy of China. Whereas in the Palestine-Israel dispute, now the issue of Palestine is visible on the backfoot.

Tags: China, Israel, Research, UNESCO, United nations, USA, World


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