September 20, 2024


Washington. Major newspapers of America have published the news related to the first state visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to America with special coverage. Apart from the agreements between the two countries in the technology and defense sector, American newspapers have published news discussing many aspects related to Modi’s visit. The Washington Post has published news related to Modi’s visit with full page prominence.

The newspaper wrote, “Prime Minister Modi focused on development in his address to Congress.” According to the news of The Washington Post, the US lawmakers warmly welcomed Modi in the house and gave him a standing ovation. . The newspaper wrote that when Modi walked towards the stage, some people in the gallery started chanting his name, many MPs were standing in line to shake hands with him. Prime Minister Modi is currently in Washington on a state visit to the US at the invitation of President Joe Biden.

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important deals
Another article published in the newspaper said, “America and India announced several important agreements in the technology and defense sector. Biden and Modi announced several agreements, including a deal to jointly produce fighter aircraft jet engines in India and efforts to strengthen the supply chain for microchips and other key technologies.

front page news
The Style section of The Washington Post carried a half-page photograph of Prime Minister Modi standing with President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden at a grand state dinner at the White House. A photo of Prime Minister Narendra Modi greeting lawmakers with ‘Namaste’ during his address to the US Congress has appeared on the front page of ‘The New York Times’. The newspaper captioned the photo, “India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi avoided using words like ‘Russia’ and ‘China’ at a joint session of Congress on Thursday.” Has published many news related to the journey.

Tags: America News, Pm narendra modi, PM Narendra Modi News, PM Narendra Modi Speech


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