September 20, 2024


Washington: US President Joe Biden called Chinese President Xi Jinping a dictator while attending a fundraiser event in California. He made this comment a day after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met Xi Jinping during his visit to China. The purpose of meeting Antony Blinken was to reduce the ongoing tension between the two countries.

America shot down the balloon and the dictator got angry
The US President said that Xi Jinping was very embarrassed when a Chinese spy balloon flying over the US was shot down recently. Biden said that Xi Jinping was very upset when I shot down a balloon with spy equipment equal to two cars. It was a big embarrassment for a dictator. When they knew what happened after all. The balloon was not supposed to be where it was, so it was shot down.

In February, a suspected Chinese spy balloon was present in US airspace. This incident and the recent meeting of US and Taiwanese officials have deepened the tension between the US and China.

read this also- China bluntly told America, said- openly oppose ‘Taiwan independence’, choose one of ‘cooperation or struggle’

The meeting happened but the result is cipher
At the same time, Blinken and Xi Jinping had agreed on the meeting to stabilize the growing enmity between the two countries. But no specific result could come out of it. They just agreed to more visits by US officials and diplomatic engagement in the coming weeks and months. Biden himself had said that he felt that the relationship between the two countries was on the right track and during his visit to Blinken, he also indicated that some progress had been made.

China is upset with Quad group, will meet Modi too
Biden said on Tuesday that Xi Jinping is actually worried about the so-called Quad strategic security group, which includes Japan, Australia, India and the US. The President of America had told Xi Jinping earlier also that America is not trying to surround China through the Quad. Biden and India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi are to meet later this week. It is expected that China can also be a topic of discussion between the two leaders.

Tags: Antony Blink, China, US President Joe Biden, Xi Jinping


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