September 20, 2024


Washington. America has once again tried to show eye to China by helping Taiwan. On Thursday, the United States announced that it would sell $332.2 million worth of ammunition to Taiwan. By announcing this, America has helped a lot in increasing Taiwan’s military power. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency of the US Department of Defense approved the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) for an estimated cost of US$332.2 million. The weapons package includes 30 mm ammunition, spare parts for wheeled vehicles and other items. $332 million will be given for 30 mm ammunition and related equipment.

Let us tell you that these days the tension between America and China has increased. That’s why the help given by America to Taiwan is being considered as a big step. In a notification to the Congress, the State Department has given this information. It has also said that this will improve Taiwan’s security. It will also help in maintaining political stability, military balance and economic progress in the region. On the other hand, Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said in a tweet on Friday, “The planned sale is welcome to meet the need to increase our defense capability as well as maintain regional stability.”

Explain that this is the 10th arms-sales package for Taiwan under the leadership of President Joe Biden. The Department of Defense’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency said in a statement, “Notifying Congress today of this potential sale at a cost of US$332.2 million provided the necessary certification.” Apart from this, the agency said that this package will also help in improving the security of the recipient and will help in maintaining political stability, military balance and economic progress in the region.

Congress has the authority to reject the sale, but such a move is highly unlikely, with lawmakers insisting the United States provide arms directly rather than go ahead and approve Taiwan’s purchase requests. are. In a decades-old policy, the United States sells arms to Taiwan to ensure its self-defense. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Beijing in early June. During this, China vowed not to compromise on Taiwan. However, both sides hoped to maintain communication to prevent escalation of tension.

Tags: America, China, Taiwan


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