September 20, 2024



The Biden administration will promote research to prevent sunlight from coming to Earth.
For this, work and research will be done on many solar geoengineering techniques.
The Biden government is trying to fulfill one of its election promises through this.

Does the Democrat government in America want to stop the sunlight from coming on the earth? If a report from Joe Biden’s White House is to be believed then it is true. The Biden administration is making up its mind to promote such research works so that only the rays coming from the sun to the earth can be stopped. And all this work is being done not against any one country but to save the whole earth. It has been said in the report that the government is doing this to deal with global warming.

Which techniques will work
The US government has decided to invest in these unique ways to deal with climate change. For this, solar geoengineering techniques like Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), Marine Cloud Brightening and Cirrus Cloud Thinning are being discussed.

a special team will work
This research has been published on the White House website, which states that the Biden administration is working on solar geoengineering techniques that will work to stop the light coming from the Sun towards the Earth. This report was released by the White House’s Office of Science and Technology, which is presented in Congress. It has been told in the report that a special team will work on this.

an election promise
Through this, Joe Biden’s Democratic government is trying to fulfill that election promise. In the last election, Biden promised to pay special attention to tackling climate change. And through this the effects of global warming will be reduced to the world. These techniques will lighten and weaken the rays coming from the sun, so that the heat on the earth can be reduced.

need to understand some things
In order to deal with climate change, it has been emphasized in this report that more research is needed on this matter so that the complex system of the earth can be understood. In this, the importance of understanding the benefits and risks of such exercises has been underlined. Notably, the Consolidation Appropriations Act of 2022 calls for the development of a research governance framework to facilitate public funding for solar geoengineering.

Tags: Climate Change, Earth, Global warming, Research, Science, Sun, USA


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