September 20, 2024


Viral News: A surprising case has come to light from Washington State of America. A husband tried to bury his wife alive. But at the last moment, this woman’s life was saved with great difficulty. Now this person will be tried for murder. Please tell that both husband and wife were living separately. In such a situation, the husband had prepared a complete plan to murder. The woman has suffered serious injuries, so she has been admitted to the hospital.

According to the American news channel NBC, her husband kidnapped her from her house and took her to the forest. After this he was attacked with a knife. And then buried him alive. The woman told in the court that after burying it in the ground, the husband was roaming around and throwing soil on her. Not only this, tapes were also put on the face of the woman.

called 911
The woman told investigators that she managed to call 911 from her Apple Watch. As he was being dragged out of the house, he dialed the emergency number of the police from his watch. The report said that he dragged her into the garage and smashed her Apple Watch with a hammer. But by then the police had become alert.

hard to survive
The woman said that she remained in the grave for hours. He said that he made a little space for the air to come with great difficulty. After waiting for it to get dark, she struggled independently to escape, lasting 20 to 30 minutes until help was found. Later, he again called the police with the help of someone. Eventually he got help from the police.

Threats to kill
The woman told investigators that her husband had threatened to kill her in the past. She said that her husband was asking her for retirement money. The report said that investigators were able to locate the grave the woman had told about.

Tags: OMG News, Viral news


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