September 20, 2024


New Delhi: The sound of another danger is being heard again in the world. The threat of corona virus and monkeypox was not over yet, that now a disaster called syphilis has started wreaking havoc in Europe. While syphilis infection has reached its high level in America, due to the outbreak of this syphilus, porn stars of adult films in Britain have stopped working, because this disease is sexually transmitted. However, syphilis is not a new disease. Its cases have been found in many countries of Europe including America for many years. The number of syphilis cases in America has reached its highest level in 30 years. But now the outbreak of syphilis is increasing continuously throughout Europe.

Actually, syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). That is, it spreads through physical relations. If it is not treated in time, it can cause serious damage to the heart, brain and other organs of the body and can also prove to be fatal. This syphilis infection develops in several stages (primary, secondary, latent and tertiary) and causes skin lesions and rashes.

According to preliminary data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, sexually transmitted disease cases rose 27 percent to more than 1,71,000 in 2021, reaching a 30-year high. Because the havoc of syphilis is increasing from Britain to America and concerns about its outbreak are also increasing, in such a situation we need to know everything about this disease.

What is syphilis and how is it spread?
Actually, sexually transmitted infection syphilis is a bacterial infection caused by bacteria called Treponema pallidum. You can get syphilis by coming in direct contact with the wound of a syphilis infected person during all types of sex (oral sex, anal sex and vaginal sex). How dangerous it is, it can be gauged from the fact that it can also spread from a woman to her unborn child. However, the infection does not spread through accidental contact with objects such as toilet seats, door knobs, swimming pools, hot tubs, bathtubs and sharing clothing or eating utensils, the CDC said.

Symptoms of Syphilis
According to the Washington Post, the initial symptoms are one or more concave sores, which usually appear in the mouth or genitals about three weeks after sexual contact with an infected person. Experts say that these sores are usually painless in the beginning, can last three to six weeks and will disappear without treatment, but if left untreated, the second stage of the infection is accompanied by a rash on the hands or feet. begins. Apart from this, some symptoms can also be seen like- muscle pain, sore throat, swollen lymph glands, weight loss, fatigue, hair loss, mental illness, loss of memory, spinal cord infection etc.

If an infected person does not get his treatment, he will reach the third stage of the disease, in which syphilis can damage his organs and this can cause nerve and heart problems. There may also be loss of eyesight and death may also occur. At this point the disease is no longer contagious.

Who is most at risk?
Any sexually active person can come in contact with this syphilis. The risk is highest among people who have multiple partners. That is, those who have sex with many people.

How can I get tested for syphilis?
Syphilis is diagnosed through a blood test.

Is there a syphilis vaccine?
There is no vaccine for this disease yet. However, the work on its research is going on.

Tags: Coronavirus outbreak, World news


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